Climate – Generally Arid to Semi Arid; temperate in South & East; tropical in North.
Time Difference – Canberra: 4 hrs 30 min ahead
Brisbane & Melbourne – 4 hrs 50 min ahead
Adelaide & Darwin – 4 hrs 25 min ahead
Perth – 4 hrs 20 min behind
Intake – Feb /July.

Australia has strong educational infrastructure and quality life, both of which are relatively affordable. This is the reason why Study in Australia is among the best destination of qualification.
Earn while you learn: Australia is one of the few countries where overseas students are permitted to work up to 20 hours each week during the academic year and full-time during vacations. Three and a half times the size of India, Australia has just crossed the 20 million population mark. Australia has the bluest skies; the freshest air, the cleanest water and a wide range of exotic fruits and vegetables such as kiwis, mangoes, avocados and so on, available throughout the year. Most ‘Ozzie’s’, as they are called, live around the wide coastal area, with the biggest city being Sydney, followed by Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth, etc.
Study abroad in Australia is a better choice because People in Australia are extremely friendly and largely outdoor oriented, involving themselves in a variety of sports. Dignity of Labor is an integral part of the Australian culture, with minimum wages being one of the highest world-wide. People from all strata’s of society, be it a street-sweeper or the MD of a big company, take great pride in what they do.
Of the 39 Universities in Australia, 37 are government funded. The educational system is essentially non-elitist, with the quality of infrastructure, teaching faculty, course curriculum, and extracurricular facilities at a uniformly high standard across all educational bodies. The key perceptional differences between universities are built around their age and level of research. The older universities tend to be more inclined towards research, and eight such universities, called the “Group of Eight” (University of Sydney, University of Melbourne, Australian National University, University of Western Australia, Monash University, University of Queensland, University of Adelaide, and University of New South Wales) have established themselves as some of the best in the country.
Today, Study in Australia for Indians is very much friendly. Australia is a truly multi-cultural nation, with people from all over the world including India, China, the UK, the USA and so on, collectively forming a part of the Australian community. All leading MNCs have a base here, making it ideal for professionals. Above all, Australia is a safe place, without racial discrimination, with an educational system based on world-class research that is still ideal in terms of value for money.